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The Beginning of Something New

The Beginning of Something New is the first episode of The Time I Saved The World: Hamlet's Wrath. It aired on July 21, 2020.


A meteor crashed into the town of Arcadia, and it has brought chaos upon the world. Craig and Rico, start their journey to save the world.


A meteor lands in the town of Arcadia, prompting Craig to wake up and investigate. Upon further inspection, he decides to report the incident to The Mayor. On his way, Craig encounters a Fiend and wins the encounter. After reporting the incident, Rico is sent to assist Craig in saving the world.



HD Remake

This episode was remade in the trilogy remake.

Watch episode one

the_time_i_saved_the_world/the_beginning_of_something_new.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/29 15:05 by killo