====== Rico ====== {{ :the_time_i_saved_the_world:characters:rico.png?200|}} //"Sure thing, m'lady."// **Rico** is a supporting character in [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:season_one|The Time I Saved The World: Hamlet's Wrath]]. The day after the meteor hit [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Arcadia|Arcadia]], Rico is sent by [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:The Mayor|The Mayor]] to inform [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Craig|Craig]] about [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Hamlet|Hamlet]]'s upcoming invasion, and that it is up to the two to stop him. ===== Appearances ===== * [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:season_one|The Time I Saved The World: Hamlet's Wrath]]: Major Character ===== Personality ===== * Rico is a bit of a '[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyeurism|Peeping Tom]]' as seen in [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:nick_greene|episode four]], watching [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Claire|Claire]] dress through her window. * He is very carefree and clueless, as he is shown falling down a hole in an attempt to escape. * He is also incredibly powerful and violent, particularly after his transformation in [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:The Nether|The Nether]], where he is shown to take down hordes of enemies with no issue. * Rico cares a lot about [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Craig|Craig]], going through a lot of trouble attempting to locate him after having gone missing.