====== Nick ====== {{ :the_time_i_saved_the_world:characters:nick.png?200|}} //"What do you two plan for saving the world?"// **Nick** is a supporting character in [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:season_one|The Time I Saved The World: Hamlet's Wrath]]. Nick is a movie director from the city of [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Bright Palms|Bright Palms]], who finds out about [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Craig|Craig]]'s journey to save the world early on, eventually joining the team. ===== Appearances ===== * [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:season_one|The Time I Saved The World: Hamlet's Wrath]]: Major Character ===== Personality ===== * Nick is easily frustrated, due to his sleep deprived nature. * He is a movie director for the [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Western Media Centre|Western Media Centre]] in [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Bright Palms|Bright Palms]]. * He is seen using potions in combat, in reference to his glasses and grimace making him look like a nerd. * Nick is dead set on slaughtering [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Hamlet|Hamlet]] and driving the world away from danger.