====== Craig ====== {{ :the_time_i_saved_the_world:characters:craig.png?200|}} //"I wish... to seal Hamlet away forever!"// **Craig** is the protagonist of [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:season_one|The Time I Saved The World: Hamlet's Wrath]]. One night, in the town of [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:arcadia|Arcadia]], where Craig resides, a meteor sent by [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Hamlet|Hamlet]], the epitome of evil, strikes the ground, causing Craig to awaken and begin his long journey to stop [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Hamlet|Hamlet]]'s invasion of the world. ===== Appearances ===== * [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:season_one|The Time I Saved The World: Hamlet's Wrath]]: Protagonist ===== Personality ===== * Craig likes to joke a lot to lighten the mood, though he is serious most of the time. He is relatively level-headed and does not hesitate to fight. * He cares deeply about his friends and has a relationship with [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:Claire|Claire]], which is confirmed in [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:rescuing_rico|episode five]].