====== Asparagus ====== {{ :the_time_i_saved_the_world:characters:asparagus.png?200|}} //"Oh I'm gonna kick your ass if you don't run!"// **Asparagus** is a minor character in [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:season_one|The Time I Saved The World: Hamlet's Wrath]]. After watching [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:craig|Craig]] fall to a group of witches, Asparagus provides him hospitality. He later rewards [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:craig|Craig]] for curing him of his zombification. ===== Appearances ===== * [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:season_one|The Time I Saved The World: Hamlet's Wrath]]: Minor Character ===== Personality ===== * Asparagus is about as much of a redneck as you can get, with his deep southern accent, sailor mouth, and love for hunting. * He is a very caring person, shown in [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:into_the_nether|episode three]], where he lets [[the_time_i_saved_the_world:craig|Craig]] rest in his home after losing a battle. * Asparagus is very weak, which in turn, caused him to be surrounded by the undead, resulting in his death.